Informatyczna Obsługa

Cloud Data

Your data is secure in our cloud!

 Securing your data is our priority. As part of our additional services package, we offer automatic cloud backup services created using a dedicated application from Xopero.

Cloud Data Backup
Component 99 – 1


Before being sent to the cloud, your data is encrypted,

ensuring its security. This means that the encryption key

is not accessible to unauthorized individuals,

not even to the system administrator.


Why implement
cloud backup?

It often serves as the last line of defense after the entire infrastructure has been infected with ransomware software (which encrypts disks).

In the event of a cyberattack, it provides a copy of critical infrastructure elements outside the organization.

It protects against physical data loss due to fire, theft or flooding.

Data in numbers


93% of companies that do not perform backups go out of business within a year of experiencing an incident related to data loss.


96% of businesses that implemented backup solutions survived a crisis, especially when their hard drives were encrypted.

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