Informatyczna Obsługa

IT Outsourcing

Enjoy the best resources!

The term ‘Outsourcing’ came from the phrase ‘outside-resource-using’.

It is a modern management strategy in which one company hires another company to perform services or create goods that were traditionally performed in-house by the company’s own employees and staff. Outsourcing is used to dial down and focus on the core aspects of the business, spinning off the less critical operations to outside organizations.

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IT Outsourcing

Outsourcing in IT

equipment maintenance

and repairs

IT devices administration

application development,

website design

(cloud) data safety

and processing

IT and ERP solutions implementation

web hosting,

server co-location

Benefits of IT outsourcing

operating cost reduction

access to knowledge and resources not available for your organization

benefit from new changes in a shorter period of time

tackling an issue difficult

to execute or impossible

to control

reduced risk of downtime

freeing of own resources

to perform other tasks

If there is something we cannot do more efficiently, cheaper and better than our competitors, there is no point in doing it and we should hire someone to do it better than us.

Henry Ford, 1923

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